Let go and let god

Sometimes you have to be willing to loose everything in order to gain yourself! This quote applies on so many levels. Materialistically we all have a tendency to feel that our identity is due in part to what we own and who we know. That's not how it SHOULD work, your identity does not come from association but yet from character instead. How others perceive you has more to do with reputation than actuality. Opinions from others shouldn't change the way you look at yourself either! The way others see you shouldn't matter because in some way it is tainted with emotions of hate, jealousy, envy, ect. Don't get me wrong tho, EVERYONE isn't that way but its reality that some are. The one's who don't feel that way will genuinely be there for you no matter what. With that said why feel bad about yourself if someone else thinks bad of you? That's their problem, not yours! It's hard to see yourself in the mirror if your life is too cluttered tho, clear space = clear mind. Clutter can be both mentally and physically...im sure we all heard "bag lady" by erykah badu... separate your needs from your wants and let go of all the rest. Letting people go is apart of letting go as well. Having a great relationship with yourself will make a world of difference in the end. Stay strong, let go and let god! - Nikki J.

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