Depend on yourself

I may not like to be disappointed but it's all apart of life. With that said prepare for the best while expecting the worst. I'm was soo used to the worst case scenario always happening til i changed my mind set. if you think bad things are always going to happen, that negative energy gravitates to you and it comes true. think positive and that positive energy will surround you. try not to depend on others but instead depend on self. If you take care of you to the fullest, nobody else can take that away from you. although most disappointment comes from the actions of others, it is possible to be disappointed in self. either way learn from the disappointment and allow it to enrich your life. you learn in the process who you can and can't depend on, who's there for you and who's not, which direction to avoid, how to better prepare yourself, and the list goes on and on. just know that your disappointments come and go no matter what, so don't hold grudges or stay angry over something that's out of your control

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