The big picture

Its important to always look at the big picture. Life is like a puzzle and we are all looking for the right puzzle pieces. If you want to help someone in need think of it this way... Either you can give a fish to someone's who's hungry OR you can teach them how to fish so they can feed themselves forever. Simply put we must dig deeper to find solutions to problems. Try not to become an enabler by allowing someone to continue to suffer under circumstances they have grown accustomed to. Try to break the cycle by motivating and encouraging instead of giving hand outs. Tough love is sometimes the best love because it will only strengthen that individual. Overlooking small issues could potentially lead to big issues later like a snowball effect. If there are bad habits that need to be addressed, address them now. For evey action there is a reaction and for evey cause there is an effect. Without first correcting yourself how can you expect for everything to fall into place? Positive thinking, avoiding procrastination, remaining ambitious while being productive are a must! Think before you act or speak because the end result is determined by what you choose to do. Often time we react off of emotions instead of logic. Don't feel pity for someone but instead allow it to motivate you to make thing better. It's ok to reach out to others but don't give your arm in the process. Support can be provided in numerous ways but remember you can make a situation worse if you fail to realize there's a difference between helping and hurting. The goal should always be to help someone be independent not dependent. The goal for those who rescue injured wildlife is to rehabilitate and set free. Lead by example and practice what you preach. - Nikki J.

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